
a mamiya c33 composite panorama by a.r. havel & Alex Hennen Payne

production assisted by Amanda Sanfilippo

made possible by the generosity of Peter Bowling & The Phoenix Bar New Orleans

featuring Hopper, Sweet Tea, Chris & Ross, Gene & Naked James, Lex, and Beatrice Rose

special thanks to Jeff Becker for lighting support


a mamiya c33 composite panorama by a.r. havel & Alex Hennen Payne

production assisted by Amanda Sanfilippo, Madi Zins, & Jacob Foreman

made possible by the generosity of Zalia Beville & the AllWays Lounge

featuring Kiernan Dunn, Bijoux & Kenzi Crash, Scotty, Kat Sotelo, Pasha J. and Frenchie

including the outta-town presence of Mx Asa Metric & Sissy


a mamiya c33 composite panorama by a.r. havel & Alex Hennen Payne

production assist by Amanda Sanfilippo & Madi Zins

made possible by the generosity of Rusty Lazer & the Music Box Village

thanks to Kat Sotelo & David Williams